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Our interactive and engaging online curriculum meets the Colorado Academic Standards for language arts, math, science, and social studies. Students and families can access content at their own pace and time, while still having access to teachers for additional support. Activities like competitive sports, volunteering, theater, or music are all possible with our flexible online platform.

To Do List / Calendar

Our platform has a built-in calendar that is populated with assignments for the semester. Students can see what's coming by day, week, or month.

Easy Navigation

The online curriculum is easy to navigate. After an in-person orientation, students will know how to use the Menu feature, Course tab, Calendar, and Course buttons. They will be able to access their content and expertly navigate through their classes.

Grades View

The Grades tab shows students which assignments they have submitted, feedback from their teachers, and future assignments. Students also learn how to set goals by seeing how future grades can influence their current grade.


Students can message their teachers directly from the Webmail button on their main homepage. This simple tool allows them the ability to ask questions or schedule a one-on-one appointment.

Parent View

Parents and guardians have their own login and can access many of the same features students use, including the To Do List, Calendar, Grades, Webmail, and main content. Parents are not able to access assessments.